Swimming Victoria offers annual membership from 1 July - 30 June. All Swimmers, Coaches, Committee Members and Officials must re-register each year in order to have current membership coverage so as not to be placed at risk. Clubs are advised to develop systems to ensure all participants are automatically registered with Swimming Victoria.
Swimming Victoria has a Duty of Care to advise:
Unregistered swimmers may have limited cover under our Personal Accident and Public Liability coverage if they have an accident at a club function or activity.
Committee members must be registered members of Swimming Victoria to receive Directors Liability Insurance Cover.
Decisions made by unregistered officials/Directors of the club may not be covered by Directors/Clubs Indemnity Insurances and you may be personally liable for any damages claim that may result out of your actions.
Clubs have a Duty of Care to ensure that all participants are protected under our Insurance Coverage.
Unregistered swimmers are not permitted to compete in any sanctioned SV meet.