Swimming Victoria is calling for nominations for three (3) Elected Director positions as well an any Motions from members for Inclusion at the Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday 30 November 2018.
The terms of 3 current Directors conclude this year, Courtney Ford, Duncan Webster and Lawrie Cox. Courtney has indicated she will nominate for a position. Rod Lawson who is currently an appointed Director has indicated that he will also stand for election.
At the close of nominations, the Remunerations and Nominations Committee will assess each nomination against the desired skills matrix of the Board. As required by Clause 9 of Swimming Victoria By Law 1, the Committee will then make recommendations to the Board as to those candidates it considers suitable for the election to the Board.
The Board will advise Swimming Victoria members of its recommendation together with the ballot information prior to the ballot opening.
Nominations must be completed on the Swimming Victoria – Director Nomination form. Further information and nomination forms can be found on the Swimming Victoria website.
Pursuant to clause 15 D II of its Constitution, any member wishing to submit a Notice of Motion for inclusion at the Annual General Meeting must do so in writing.
Nominations and/or Motion for Inclusion must be received by Swimming Victoria, no later than 5:00pm, Friday 5 October 2018, forms must be sent to:
Chief Executive Officer
Swimming Victoria
PO Box 230
South Melbourne VIC 3205.
Or email: ceo@vic.swimming.org.au
Note: Members will be notified of full details of the Swimming Victoria Annual General Meeting when the Notice of AGM is published.