The Plan in Action – June 2022 Operational Forecast

23 June 2022
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Written by: Swimming Victoria

Last year Swimming Victoria launched our 2021-2028 Strategic Plan, Swimming 2028 – Inspiring Victoria to Swim.

The Plan reflects the direction Swimming Australia is taking to ‘Inspire Australia to Swim’ as we power towards the 2032 home Olympic and Paralympic Games – an exciting time for swimming!

This Plan will guide our operations until 2028 and will be used by staff, monitored by the Board and formally reviewed annually. Importantly, Swimming Victoria will develop targeted operational plans each six months including setting key performance indicators for each strategic initiative.

We are committed to successfully completing our projects in a timely manner and to the highest possible standards, while making sure the financial management of Swimming Victoria remains sound at all times.

To achieve this, monitoring and measuring our progress is crucial.

We will report on progress every six months with Operational Forecasts which outline our key performance indicators (KPIs) for the next six months across each of the following priority areas:

  • Safe and Inclusive Swimming Environments
  • Quality Programs and Activities for All Members
  • Strong and Collaborative Organisation

These KPIs will drive us to achieve our strategic objectives and, in doing so, achieve our purpose to grow participation and enhance the experience of competitive swimming in Victoria.

You can find the June 2022 Operational Forecast here.

By clearly stating our intent, we give purpose to our planning and power to our actions. By setting KPIs, we know when we are doing what we say we will do. And by sharing these Forecasts with you, we hold ourselves accountable for our progress.

Each of the indictors outlined in this Forecast is due to be completed by November 2022, and we’ll update you on our progress again then.

While we’ll always aim to meet our goals, we know we won’t always hit every target. When this happens, we’ll make sure we provide an honest update with a clear plan on how we will move forward.

Alongside this, it will be business as usual and we’ll still be focusing on making sure our members and clubs get the support they need, delivering great competitions and programs and doing all the things you’ve come to expect from us here at SV.

We look forward to bringing you along for the ride as we inspire Victoria to swim.

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